
Cityscape - архитектура, проектиране, дизайн

Prefab 20×20 – some info & FAQ

архитектура / състезания | Дата: 24 Юни 2009 | от Гергана Милушева

направила съм една регистрация – на 30-ти обсъждаме ще правим ли повече – July 31 Registration Deadline

от FAQ-секцията:

Q: I just have a question about the 400sf footprint: is this the maximium floor area of the building, or could an entrant have a 400sf basement, with a 400sf main floor, and a 400sf floor on top of that?  Is the intent to limit just the footprint, or the maximum floor area of the building?

A: 1. The intent is not about maximizing floor area but to work within a limited footprint.
2. There are no restrictions on how you intent to use the roof, or a 2-level structure as you suggested, as long as construction method, programming, and social aspects are considered.
3. There are no restrictions regarding basements; however, entrants are urged to consider the potential of prefab construction strategy vs on-site work.

… There are no height restrictions, but both social impact and method of construction should be considered.

това са всички смислени въпроси, постнати до сега; ако ще задаваме въпроси – моля ви да ги постнете тук, за да не изпуснем пак срока


August 31 Submission Deadline *5pm Vancouver, BCSeptember 17 Winners Announced